Top qualities of a consumer lawyer When it comes to consumer rights, having a good lawyer is crucial to ensure justice is served. A consumer lawyer is a legal professional who represents individuals against businesses, companies, or organizations that have violated their consumer rights. If you’re looking for the best consumer lawyer, there are certain[…]
What is the fate of a criminal case when the complainant/informant dies without proving the FIR First Information Report (FIR), is covered under Section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC). FIR (First Information Report), as the name suggests, is the first information provided regarding the commission of a cognizable offence (an offence in which the police[…]
What is Domestic Violence? What are its types, causes, and effects? Domestic violence has been defined by the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005. The Domestic Violence Act is primarily welfare legislation. The reliefs provided by the Domestic Violence Act include shelter, medical facilities, protection order, compensation order, etc. The Domestic Violence Act[…]
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